225.1MB 2023-07-31 Win 7及以上 GitHub 中文简体


文档编辑 多种样式和格式化工具、对象、目录、书签以及邮件合并。

电子表格编辑 400+函数和公式、表格模板、命名区域、图表、方程式、宏。

演示文稿编辑 多种格式化工具、对象和样式选项可供选择。演示者模式。

可填写的表单 在线创建并共同编辑可填写的表单,让其他用户填写,将表单另存为PDF格式。

PDF 将PDF转换为DOCX并进行编辑。将文本文档、表格和幻灯片保存为PDF,以便稍后查看或打印。


ONLYOFFICE Office办公套件-软件美学


New Features

All Editors

  • Fixed vulnerabilities with checking the integrity of a digital signature, after manipulations with the document structure
  • Editors now display the correct error when trying to write a file, opened in another application
  • Fixed an error that occurs when opening multiple files using drag'n'drop
  • Fixed an issue when opening templates which contain slashes in their names
  • Fixed incorrect name for the next tab after closing and saving the document in front of it
  • The latest changes in the file are now included when sending via the Send plugin, if they have not been saved
  • Fixed the processing of the link, that ends with?default.aspx, when connecting to the Workspace portal
  • The Open file location button for a document opened from the portal in a separate window without the main one now works
  • Fixed working with tabs when documents are opened from the portal and the user logs out on the Connect to cloud page
  • Fixed online help for macOS systems
  • Updated sets of application icons for Jump List (Tasks) on Windows systems
  • All components in Windows installation packages are now digitally signed
  • A large number of fixes and improvements to the MSI installation package

Document Editor

  • Fixed displaying of non-printing characters after calling the print preview window

Spreadsheet Editor

  • Fixed displaying of a document when printing to PDF if the width/height of columns/rows were changed
  • Fixed the scroll bar display in the filtering window for legacy systems

Presentation Editor

  • Fixed an error during slideshow auto-run and with system scale >200% when opening multiple files using drag'n'drop






